Local SEO

Local SEO is the practice of tuning your website to show you are a local business.

Local SEO Services from Charnwood Cooms

The search engines present this information via several methods.

Google’s Local Business database feeds Google Map results.

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO is all about how well the search engines understand your Geographical relevance to the users search request.


Getting Local with SEO

Being listed as a Local business is very useful to your business!
It very often puts you on page One of Google.

Local SEO Tyldesley
Screenshot of Google SERP’s “3 pack Maps” Snippet taken from Google Maps, Local Database information

Local Search Engine Opitmisation

Google uses entities based understandings to link together different elements of information, this was developed to enable Mobile First Indexing.

  • Google’s Local Business database (Google MY Business – GMB)
  • Google’s Map Products
  • Google’s Paid Map Adverts via the AdWords systems.
  • Local Business Listing Websites (like Yell.com)
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Local Information.

Important SEO practice is to keep your information consistent across the internet.

This is called NAP, Nap stands for Name Address and Phone number. Search engine have already check across the local internet to see if you have the same points of information so they then know you are who you say you are. They check for reviews and comments fro anywhere they can find them and if the use the same NAP details.

What is NAP?

NAP is the standard set of identifying information about your business, it is an abbreviation for Name, Address and Phone Number,

Search engines look for much more standard information sets, domain name, email address, post codes, etc…

Google’s Local Business database (Google MY Business – GMB)

The Local Business database has been around for quite many years, and has been updated serveral time, each time new features have been added, making this a very important source of information for the internet to use.

Google’s Map Products

The Map Services use the Local Business Database to store Geographical information about Local Businesses and services. This can be added to enhance a user’s experience and help to find you.

Google’s Paid Map Adverts via the AdWords systems.

Recently Google has started to add paid adverts within the Maps Service.

At present this is displayed on the full page of Google Maps and as yet not on the Local 3 Pack on the first page of Google results. (SERP’s)

Local Business Listing Websites (like Yell.com)

Local listing services have grown up from the telephone book companies, who did provide the big catalogue / Books for domestic and commercial listings. These have now progressed to large on line websites that now list entries and adverts for you.

Other Important SEO Factors

Other aspects of SEO that is important are:-

  • Technical SEO
    • Looks at the way your website information or content is presented and relevant for a user
  • Organic SEO Results
    • Looks at how well your web page serves the relevant user request
  • Local SEO
    • Local SEO is all about how well the search engines understand your Geographical relevance to the users search request.
  • Google’s Knowledge Graph
    • A display panel that holds standard information about a business or person. An entity relating to other entities.

More info about Local SEO from MOZ

Local SEO Tyldesley were we are based

Local SEO Walkden were our customers are based

Local SEO Bolton were our customers are based

Local SEO Manchester were our customers are based


Search Engine Optimisation FAQ's

What is SEO and how does it work?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a digital Marketing Technique to get your website content to the top of ORGANIC (FREE) Search Engine Results and in front of your customers, before your competitors. Using best practices to present your content enables Search Engine to inform People you have information to help them with their search intent (how to Do, to KNOW, to find a WEBSITE, to VISIT in Person).

Why is SEO important?

SEO is important because how people make choices keeps changing. They used to look up in a book for information to assist them to satisfy their intent (how to Do, to KNOW, to find a WEBSITE, to VISIT in Person). Search engines now have to provide these answers vis Desktops, Mobile Phone, Home Speakers, and Home assistants, (Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortina).

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